(650) 615-9322


Family Connections: Get to Know Some Evolve Families!

Family Connections: Get to Know Some Evolve Families!

Family Connections: Get to Know Some Evolve Families!At the start of the year, we lost a legendary sports icon and devoted #girldad – Kobe Bryant. When we think about Kobe, sure we recollect on some of his game-winning shots and his signature fadeaway, but what...

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Top Tips for Getting Back Into Working Out

Top Tips for Getting Back Into Working Out

Has it been a while since you’ve focused on your fitness regimen and you’re unsure how to start working out again after taking a break? Below are the top tips from our coaches that you may find helpful! 1. Start slow and set manageable and accomplishable goals. One of...

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5 Reasons to Try Group Training at Evolve!

5 Reasons to Try Group Training at Evolve!

Unsure if participating in group training at Evolve is right for you? Read on for a few key reasons why you should give it a try! 1. Discipline over motivation Let’s face it, some days we’re just not motivated to get our daily workout and practice in - whether due to...

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Adventures in Fight Camp

Adventures in Fight Camp

We were just about to start our bag rounds in our boxing class one Saturday morning when Coach Mark said a semi-alarming thing. “I don’t want to tax you on pushups because some of you will be taking a pushup test right after this.” Bewildered, I asked, “what pushup...

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Welcome to the Evolve blog!

Welcome to the Evolve blog!

Greetings! And welcome to the ETC blog where you will find all manner of health, fitness and Evolve-related information. Feel free to put down your gym bag, grab a seat and make yourself comfortable.  So what’s Evolve Training Center all about and what makes it so...

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