(650) 615-9322
How to Get Through Those Summer Blues

How to Get Through Those Summer Blues

“Along with Summer’s blue skies, you might experience ‘The Summertime Blues.’ You’re probably thinking, “Man, I can’t wait for summer to get here and maybe I can catch a break, or go on vacation, get off of routine a little, and start that summer project with no...
Fearless and Free

Fearless and Free

Are you tired of letting fear hold you back? Do you want to feel empowered, confident, and strong? Then it’s time to develop a fearless mindset! Fear is a natural emotion that all of us experience at some point in our lives. Whether it’s the fear of...
Kicking it up a Notch

Kicking it up a Notch

It is National Caffeine Awareness Month, and we’d like to discuss the pros and cons of everyone’s favorite stimulant: caffeine. As martial artists, we know the importance of keeping our bodies in top condition. But how does caffeine fit into our training...
The Motivation to Continue

The Motivation to Continue

The Motivation to Continue What is done outside of the gym is equally important to the big picture of your New Year’s resolution.  Motivation and discipline are two sides of the same coin and are both required for success in any goal. If there is a goal you wish...